يساعدك العزام.نت على التواصل والتشارك مع كل الأشخاص في حياتك.
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شروط الإستخدام

  1. Please do not post topics contrary to the objectives of the site and published by users express their opinions and the site is not responsible for what goes against Islam.

  2. Abuse of other people's opinions or beliefs, or attacks, or taunt and provoke the members is prohibited and of no do so will be banned from the site.

  3. Must take into account the existence of female members in the panel discussions and work to respect that.

  4. Full commitment of Islamic law and not to post any subject offends Islam and Muslims .

  5. Please do not refer to weak or placed, writing verses very clearly and not be interpreted according to the whims and desires .

  6. Duplicate posts will be deleted, we keep some if the subject was useful and meaningful, and posted from a long time,,,, in order to benefit from the new members.

  7. For the responses to the posts of other Members, we hope to be a logical response and based on your own perspective with your commitment to be calm and not to respond with tension or using offensive words, otherwise your response will be deleted if it contains a reply like that.

  8. Loyalty comes first and foremost .. You need to have full responsibility when you choose your words .. My dear brother, you represent your nation and Islam in your writing.

  9. Offending the divine or the prophets or the holy books of Islam is prohibited.

  10. Copying a fatwa is prohibited from email .. Due to the large amount of fads and Ifta without knowledge .. So to those who cited a fatwa they need to inflict it on behalf of the Mufti.

  11. Integrity is the symbol of truthful believers and must be considered in everything .. You must document issues and research topics that require documentation in order not to prejudice the principle of credibility and honesty.

  12. When you write a fatwa or a subject you must make sure of its origin and authenticity. (What utter words , but has a strong sergeant )).

  13. Meet and live up to Albaon knows the ultimate goal for us is to please God and that we might receive the reward in this world and the hereafter .
